The Latest From the Oregon Truffle Festival

Ned Ludd's Garden Thief cocktail made with Bull Run Distilling's truffle-infused vodka

Garden Thief


This refreshing cocktail, featuring Bull Run Distilling’s truffle vodka, comes curtosy of Brandon Page at Ned Ludd in Portland, OR.

The Truffle Thief brings together the savory notes of Bull Run’s Truffle Vodka and the bright notes of the backyard garden for a truly refreshing cocktail experience. Why spend hours foraging for truffles when you could easily pick up a bottle of Bull Run Truffle Vodka instead? Use it in your favorite vodka cocktail to add a level of depth and complexity that is a true reflection of the PNW.

Brandon Page, bartender


  • 2 oz Truffle Vodka
  • 1 oz fresh lime juice
  • 3/4 oz fennel syrup (see below)
  • Caraway & Salt rim

Serve on the rocks with fennel frond.

Fennel Syrup

Quickly blend the following and double strain:

  • 1 cup fresh lime
  • 1 cup sliced fennel
  • 1 cup cilantro
  • 1 cup simple syrup
  • Pinch of citric acid